The wholesome version of an old school Country Club where members connected personally, professionally and regularly.

But make it the modern intersectional feminist version which is joyfully inclusive of all races, genders, nationalities, religions & ages. Make it the glittery rainbow version with the best themed dance parties in town.


This is a real thing.

THIS is the vibe of my signature Group Coaching Program.

THIS is what I invite you to: The Boom Boom Room with Serena Hicks.

It’s the TRIFECTA for smart, accomplished and totally human (oh hai insecurities despite successes) Business folx.

You pay to join exactly once.

You get immediate LIFETIME ACCESS to:

  • online Courses; bundled in your client portal you’ll find modules teaching the Tools for Transformation, Marketing, Sales, Money Mindset, how to find your Proper Pricing™, Self-Concept Sculpting, Identity, and #LoveTrustMoney

  • online & IRL Group Coaching; a 90 minute live group coaching Zoom happens weekly (yes you can ask me YOUR question directly live!). Replays from the past six months stay in your client portal. IRL Group Events happen twice a year (you cover your travel to/from any IRL event).

  • nourishing and practical connections in the BBR Community; the Boommates are welcoming and generous. Currently this community is hosted as a private group on Facebook. This is a vibrant healthy and active community of Change Makers who are inspiring and supporting each other in real time and in real life.

    Healing happens in community. Business booms do too.

    Claim yours here.

BOOM and let your Money Mindset BLOOM

Three of the most popular modules you’ll find in your client portal are:

Unshackling Your Money Mindset.
How good are you willing to let it get? Seriously. This is about breaking free from inherited, socialized, internalized AND external limitations. Coaching on where your brain has been working from (scarcity) and showing you how to create from abundance is my jam.

Establishing Proper Pricing™
The most successful change-makers have one thing in common — they’re constantly learning and evolving. Blooming. If you’re pricing too low you’re setting yourself up for hustle or an un-sustainable business. If you’re pricing too high you’re setting yourself up for stress and suffering. Proper Pricing™ is how and where you find YOUR sweet spot for your offer (for now).

Identifying as A Money Magnet / Self-Concept as someone who IS good with money.
What’s the best way to learn a completely new language? Immersion. Live there, talk to the people, live like the people, etc. It’s exponentially faster and more potent than just learning 1 hour each week via books or audio programs on your way to work. Growing your business, at every new level, feels BIG… until you have the benefit of context (normalizing the process). This module + the Community are key for this Identity Shifts required at every new level in Business.

The Boom Boom Room Changes Things

“I’ve never had a coaching client pay in full. Ever. And I’ve never had a coaching client pay this price. Ever. This is the first of many. This is the new normal.” — AC

“Being in Serena’s community is honestly healing the sisterhood wounds I never realized I had.” - Suzanne C.

“And right then, the second client PAYS IN FULL. And there it is. Let the money flow. I had a $10k day on the last day of the month! It brings me over the $100k mark for the year! I’m soooooo happy and grateful and appreciative.” — Jo Z.


Frequently Asked Questions about The Boom Boom Room Program:

Is The Boom Boom Room just for Coaches? NOPE. I looove me some Coaches & Creators. The Sanctuary Business Mastermind is only open to Coaches and Creators but the Boom Boom Room has Entrepreneurs, Product Makers, Service Providers, Corporate Employees and Stay At Home Mom’s. What we all have in common are shared values and a desire to OPENLY talk about money, our businesses and how to contribute to making the world a bit more loving and safe for all.

Is The Boom Boom Room just for women? NOPE. We’ve got some great guys and non-binary baddies in the room. It’s for humans who love other humans.

When are the live calls? Currently, the weekly 90 minute call is Monday afternoon (TX time) but you don’t have to join live. The replays are posted in the client portals within hours. I switch it up every few months to accommodate Global Fam. AND, we have BONUS calls twice a month (sometimes more) that are at different times. Replays are posted in the client portal within hours.

Do I have access to previous live calls? Yes, they live in your online client portal. Download The Boom Boom Room app to get access to the private podcast version of all training and previously recorded live calls as well.

How long do I have access to the online course + live coaching calls + community? You get LIFETIME ACCESS. You pay once and you have access for the life of this program. Unlike some programs the client portal, the community and the live group calls are… ALIVE. Active. Happening regularly. It’s a thing.

Do I have to attend the live session zooms? No. You’ll find video and podcast recordings of each call (and the trainings) in your client portal.

Do you offer a payment plan? Yes. You’ll see your options on the checkout page HERE.

Do you recommend I join The Boom Boom Room or The upcoming Mastermind, or both? The Boom Boom Room is a prerequisite for the Sanctuary Business Mastermind which offers a deeper dive and fully experiential understanding of the concepts we integrate in The Boom Boom Room. The Mastermind is for Coaches and Creators. If you’re interested in the Mastermind I recommend you join the BBR now and let it inform your decision to apply. There is no obligation to apply for the Mastermind.

OK, but I don’t NEED to talk openly about ALL things money and how it intersects with historically marginalized communities. I know that and dig it. I just need LOGISTICAL business strategy and community and like learning from you. Can I still join and ask those questions in live group Coaching or in the FBK private group? YES, Whatever your “business” is; Corporate, Fundraising, Entrepreneurship… it’s connected to ALL of The Things (see full list of trainings you’ll find in your client portal way above) and I’m happy for you to access that in The Boom Boom Room community, client portal and/or via live coaching with me or a Guest Coach.

What's the refund policy? There are no refunds available. Purchase with love and consideration.